Connect 2016 – Valencia

I just got home after enjoying a couple of days in the Connect conferences in Valencia. And they’ve been great!
There have been sessions about Machine Learning, Deep Learning, APIs, AI, BigData and many more. Oh, and there have been drones too.
To summarize, the ecosystem surrounding BigData and AI technologies is amazing and currently is really on fire. In my humble opinion, I think this quote from Ramón López de Mántaras’s keynote “Past, Present and Future of AI: A fascinating journey” describes the energy and enthusiasm that people working in AI and BigData transmit when they talk about the matter:
The goal of human-level intelligence remains elusive but has inspired and still inspires our work on AI
Speakers from many different companies, like Amazon, ING, BigML, Telefonica R&D, So1, Ŷhat, just to name a few, have been talking about their experience in solving many different types of problems using Machine Learning technologies and what the main benefits and caveats have they found during the process.

Just to provide an idea of the huge amount of effort and solutions around BigData and what the ecosystem looks like nowadays, nothing better than this image:

Great speakers, really cool topics for the talks and really nice venue.
What else could you ask for? Oh yeah, Valencia’s Fallas and great food!
In the following link you can have a look into the activity that has happened in Twitter #papisconnect hashtag during the event:
EDIT (2016/03/16): Completely forgot to mention the Startups Battle. It was really cool to see how a AI (preseries) drives an interview in order to rank an startup, using BigML technology and Amazon Echo. My only concern was that it never asked a single question about any project at all, just questions about the team experience and seed rounds. Is that the only thing that matters to get your project fund? Don’t think so.