javascript_allongeJavascript Allongé@raganwald is one of the more refreshing coding books I have read in a big while. Usually when I face a programming language book, I skip the beginner chapters (if I already know the language, of course) and go directly for the juicy ones, but with this one I tried to follow it from end to end because I read some comments on twitter telling that the way basics are explained, become a really solid base for the language, so I gave it a chance.

And they were right! This book is not the usual Learn the language in 24 hours or something like that. It’s actually a very sharp and deep reading about Javascript and function composition.

The way the author explains how to create really simple functions and use them to build more complex ones just blowed my mind. The resulting code is so clear and easy follow that is almost impossible to imagine a better way to express that functionality.

This book is a total recommendation if you deal with Javascript in your day-to-day. I bought a digital copy in Leanpub, but recently the author made it opensource, so you’re free to get a copy of it: