A while back, digging into an old DO NOT DELETE backup folder in one of my old hard drives, I stumped upon a folder called parchis, and for a moment I held my breath until I found some *.bas files there! So what? Well, I just found the lost source code of my very first project, the one I coded while learning about variables, procedures and loops, the one that made me realize that this is the kind of stuff I wanted to do as my professional career and hobby.

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If you are a AWS SES user (AWS’ email system) you probably know that working with its JSON based templates is not a user-friendly task: Text and HTML content are defined as properties of a JSON object It’s a JSON file, meaning that you have to escape some characters, like " in the HTML It’s quite hard to find the content to change in the HTML being stored in a single line But still, is a quite convenient system, as hosting your own email server is quite an effort, and you want it to be reliable.

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In this tutorial I’ll show how to piece together the required NPM modules to build a REST API in Node.js with proper Swagger documentation. We’re going to use Express as the HTTP framework, and the Swagger documentation will be written as inline comments within the code, as close as possible to the handling endpoint or models that will implement the contract, so it will be harder for them to eventually diverge.

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Packages in Java is a quite simple and straightforward concept of the language. It’s there from the beginning and it’s commonly used by every Java programmer. In a few words, these are the rules you have to follow to create a class inside a package (spoiler: which are not completely true, as we’ll see later): Package statement must be the first one specified in a java class file A package namespace must match the physical path of the file, i.

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Purpose of this post is to provide a glimpse of the new features included in Java 8 that shift this language towards a more Functional Programming paradigm. But before, let’s define what we understand for Functional Programming (FP). Functional programming key characteristics include: Higher Order Functions Pure Functions and Immutability Tail Call Recursion Higher Order Functions for a FP language means that functions are considered first class citizens, allowing the programmer to use them as any other value the language defines, for example, a Function value:

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As March 11th, Pivotal dropped its financial sponsorship for Groovy, and despite of not really endangering it, as Groovy is an already well established language with a great community backing it, it raised many concerns, as the required boost a platform like this deserves was missing until now. Furthermore, its creator and project leader until lately, Guillaume Laforge, also recently stepped back in order to focus in Restlet. Also the recent release of Java 8, with the introduction of lambdas into the Java language has increased the interest and traction of Java, making a lot of people question if there were still room for other JVM languages, even more being so closed to Java.

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It’s been a little more than a year since Java 8 was released (2014/03/18) and you might think that it’s a little too late for a What’s new in post. In fact latest public update available is 8u40, so let’s review not only what was initially included in Java 8, but what else has changed during this first year, up to release 8u40. Lots of changes were included in the initial Java 8 release, being probably the most notable of them, in my opinion (feel free to disagree, looking forward to discussions):

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During last year, I had the chance to work as CTO of a startup, working mainly within MEAN stack. I was happy, the technology I was working with was in a great hype and its community grew bigger and bigger with lots of projects popping up everywhere. But life is continuously changing, and I started to work in a new company within Java/JEE technologies. I was back to my first days as a professional computer engineer.

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I have problems remembering people’s names. Really, I’m not good at it. And that’s no exception with computer technology. That’s why I’ve written this post, to try to improve and persist those names in my head. Let’s see who is who in nowadays computer science. Methodologies <div> <strong>Kent Beck</strong> (<a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kent_Beck">wikipedia</a>, <a href="https://twitter.com/KentBeck">twitter</a>) &#8211; XP, Agile, TDD </div> </td> <td width="50%"> <a href="http://martinfowler.com/"><img class="alignleft" src="/assets/2014/05/martin_fowler.png" alt="martin_fowler" width="100" height="85" /></a><strong><a href="http://martinfowler.

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Talking about Node.js history, it’s talking a little bit about V8 history. But let’s start with a one line definition of what it is: Node.js is a platform built around Google Chrome V8 Javascript engine, to create lightweight, fast, scalable, event-driven and non-blocking I/O applications. So lets begin talking about Node.js origins, the V8 javascript engine. V8 is an opensource project by Google and it is in the very core of Google Chrome browser.

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Daniel Pecos Martínez

Developer. Blogger. HAM Radio operator.

I write about technology, software, radio and some other interests, like Linux, Dungeons and Dragons or electronics.

Software Architect / Consultant at dplabs.tech.

Fullstack Developer
