The Node.js ecosystem is quite young and prolific: new tools appear almost every day or week, changing and turning upside down your current workflow, always trying to squeeze a little more productivity to your time and effort or simply making your work easier. As an example, take a look on the NodeFramework page, where Azat Mardanov (@azat_co) collects lot’s of frameworks and utilities related to Node.js. Or NodeWebModules, more web oriented than the previous one, from Caio Ribeiro Pereira (@crp_underground).

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Recently I began a collaboration with amCharts, writing some tutorials for their blog. This is my first contribution, and you can find the original post in amCharts blog. I hope you’ll enjoy my first tutorial about this great graphs library! And, of course, feedback is wellcomed! In this tutorial we will enhance our previous example in order to parse dates. This will allow us to obtain date-based graphs displaying their data points using relative distance to each other and not placing them at regular spaces.

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Daniel Pecos Martínez

Developer. Blogger. HAM Radio operator.

I write about technology, software, radio and some other interests, like Linux, Dungeons and Dragons or electronics.

Software Architect / Consultant at

Fullstack Developer
