My homelab I have a homelab, mainly as a hobby but also as an environment for experimentation. It’s quite useful for self-hosting different services—not only because of the potential cost savings (although you do need to account for hardware costs and electricity) — but also because it allows you to develop skills that will be useful as a professional developer. And the best part? You don’t have to invest a lot of money — I didn’t.

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Introduction The landscape of Linux desktop environments has been undergoing a major transformation, with the advent of Wayland as a promising successor to the long-standing Xorg display server. This shift has brought about significant changes in popular desktop environments such as Plasma and GNOME. In this post, we explore the state of the art in terms of Wayland’s impact on these environments and how they compare to Xorg, as well as explaining my path towards moving from Xorg to Wayland, steps I took, mistakes I made, and learnings I’ve got.

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Recently I took the decision of leaving my long beloved distro – Ubuntu (sorry, link in spanish) and moving forward into Arch Linux. And why? As JFK said when the USA was aiming to land on the moon, “not because it’s easy, but because it’s hard”, maybe not that much compared to getting to the moon, but definitely more tedious than Ubuntu. One thing you can take for sure if you take the chance to install Arch: no matter if you success or give up with it, you will learn something new about how a Linux distro works.

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¡30 minutos! Eso es exactamente lo que he tardado en instalar Ubuntu con incluso más funcionalidades de las que tenía en mi Debian. ¿Por qué este cambio? Bueno, supongo que la edad tendrá algo que ver y uno ya no tiene tanta paciencia como antes. Y es que en mi humilde opinión, disponer de un sistema Debian con todo correctamente configurado, resulta una tarea tremendamente tediosa, además de que si deseas estar un poco al día con los programas que tienes instalados, te implica estar en una versión testing o unstable de Debian, con el riesgo que ello conlleva.

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Daniel Pecos Martínez

Developer. Blogger. HAM Radio operator.

I write about technology, software, radio and some other interests, like Linux, Dungeons and Dragons or electronics.

Software Architect / Consultant at

Fullstack Developer
