In little less than a week, a new edition of Coursera’s course, Principles of Reactive Programming from Martin Odersky, Erik Meijer and Roland Kuhn, is launching. This course is a follow-up of Principles of Functional Programming in Scala, which I took in its first edition and which I enjoyed a lot. I’ve regretted missing out first edition of this second course for a long time (more than a year, in fact), so if you want to learn about this magnificent frameworks of the Scala world, don’t miss this chance!

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Coursera Functional Programming has not been my first experience in an online course, but it has been the most satisfying by far. Many people were interested in it, and I think it created a great hype, not only in the course forums but in social networks like twitter. People all around the world were interacting in the same course, creating really interesting conversations and discussions about the subject. Really nice.

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Daniel Pecos Martínez

Developer. Blogger. HAM Radio operator.

I write about technology, software, radio and some other interests, like Linux, Dungeons and Dragons or electronics.

Software Architect / Consultant at

Fullstack Developer
