No te sientas solo, es lo más normal.
Y lo digo porque a mi me pasa exactamente lo mismo: es un mundo lleno de _jargon _y donde cometer un error sale caro, pero por contra, el potencial beneficio es muy interesante.
¿Y por qué si no tengo ni idea de en lo que me estoy metiendo, sigo adelante?
Primero: quiero ahorrar y que mis ahorros crezcan lo máximo posible, como le gustaría a cualquier hijo de vecino.
Welcome to jvmGeek! This new blog aims to talk and discuss about the JVM ecosystem, with news and articles discussing about Java – the language -, and also about other JVM languages such as Scala, Kotlin or Clojure.
But it won’t deal only about programming languages, but also about tools and libraries. You’ll find news, tutorials, code examples and more general articles, among other.
From time to time I will also try to gather events and news related to one particular matter and post them as a flash post that will help you keep up to date with this effervescent platform.
Watching Movies and TV Shows from online streaming sources is a pain, as you depend on the availability of the your ISP network and current status of the stream provider. Furthermore, you don’t always have an internet connection available when you want to spend some time in front of the TV. So downloading it it’s a much better way to go in order to avoid this issues (giving that you have to anticipate a little bit to get downloads finished).
Javascript is an old well-known friend that is growing rapidly and gaining traction since Node.js, a command line Javascript interpreter based on Chrome V8 Javascript Virtual Machine, was published. Its community is building great stuff, and more and more companies are moving into this stack, with a high success ratio. Luckily for me, for my last two professional years I have been involved in one way or another with it, been able to relearn the language and discover its framework.
Wellcome to this new site where you’ll find lots of information about Node.js, Javascript and HTML 5 technologies! This project is a chance for me to share my passion about these new and amazing technologies, trying to make you easier to step into it and to discuss and enjoy technology talks to whomever who wants to.
It will be mainly focused on Node.js, but sometimes we will talk about generic Javascript or even frontend Javascript related to HTML5 capabilities.
Last Friday I got some spare time (finally!) and, with the help and tools of my friend Alfredo, we placed a button in the RaspberryPi case so, when I push it, a custom command its executed on the RaspberryPi, like for example, a clean system shutdown.
First lets start with some pictures of the final result:
And now the schematics (pins used in the schematics are 3.3v, GND and GPIO): En origen, ENFOCAS, está formado por un grupo de amig@s de Castellón, unidos por su pasión hacia la fotografía. El foro en sí, nace como punto de encuentro de quienes como nosotros, sientan la necesidad de compartir esta afición, a través de las imágenes que podamos aportar, junto con los comentarios, dudas, informaciones de interés o cualquier otro aspecto que pueda surgir a lo largo de su vida.
Ya llevaba tiempo tratando de empezar con la astrofotografía con webcam, pero entre unas cosas y otras siempre lo dejaba para otro momento. Al final el pasado día 6 de Junio me decidí a intentarlo.
Tras unos cuantos intentos por usar un adaptado hecho con la funda de un carrete de fotos, acabé sujetando la webcam al portaocular con una simple goma que me dieron mis abuelos la última vez que estuve en Madrid (¡hay que ver lo que a uno le puede hacer falta en algunos momentos!