JCrete 2019

Amazing. That’s the one word summary for this unconference. It wasn’t my first time in an unconference, although the previous ones were slightly smaller and my experience then wasn’t that satisfactory as the one I’ve had in JCrete. And I have just discovered the key ingredient for a successful unconference: the people. Because is not only about the technical content of the sessions (which was quite high, don’t get me wrong), but about those interactions during and after the sessions, happening without any planification, as natural as a conversation can be.

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Packages in Java is a quite simple and straightforward concept of the language. It’s there from the beginning and it’s commonly used by every Java programmer. In a few words, these are the rules you have to follow to create a class inside a package (spoiler: which are not completely true, as we’ll see later): Package statement must be the first one specified in a java class file A package namespace must match the physical path of the file, i.

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During last year, I had the chance to work as CTO of a startup, working mainly within MEAN stack. I was happy, the technology I was working with was in a great hype and its community grew bigger and bigger with lots of projects popping up everywhere. But life is continuously changing, and I started to work in a new company within Java/JEE technologies. I was back to my first days as a professional computer engineer.

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¿Mezclar la versatilidad de JSF con la definición de flujos de negocio de SWF, todo ello con una estética semejante gracias a Tiles? Pues es posible, aunque resulta realmente tedioso y complicado para aquel que es relativamente nuevo a algunas (más bien todas) de estas tecnologías del mundo Java JEE. A esto es a lo que me he dedicado la última semana de trabajo, a intentar comprender el funcionamiento y buscar por Internet la forma de poder conjugar estas tres tecnologías.

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Desde hace cosa de unas semanas, el mundo Java está cambiando notablemente. Por un lado, Sun publicó Java EE 5.0, junto con Sun Application Server 9.0, primera versión estable del proyecto Glassfish, que pretende implementar un Application Server libre para la especificación de JEE 5. En esta nueva versión se ha incluido, a parte de un cambio de la nomeclatura para las versiones, la especificación de EJB 3.0, Java Persistence API, una mejora en el desarrollo de webservices o JSF entre otras características.

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Daniel Pecos Martínez

Developer. Blogger. HAM Radio operator.

I write about technology, software, radio and some other interests, like Linux, Dungeons and Dragons or electronics.

Software Architect / Consultant at dplabs.tech.

Fullstack Developer
