Javascript is an old well-known friend that is growing rapidly and gaining traction since Node.js, a command line Javascript interpreter based on Chrome V8 Javascript Virtual Machine, was published. Its community is building great stuff, and more and more companies are moving into this stack, with a high success ratio. Luckily for me, for my last two professional years I have been involved in one way or another with it, been able to relearn the language and discover its framework.

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Wellcome to this new site where you’ll find lots of information about Node.js, Javascript and HTML 5 technologies! This project is a chance for me to share my passion about these new and amazing technologies, trying to make you easier to step into it and to discuss and enjoy technology talks to whomever who wants to. It will be mainly focused on Node.js, but sometimes we will talk about generic Javascript or even frontend Javascript related to HTML5 capabilities.

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Javascript Allongé@raganwald is one of the more refreshing coding books I have read in a big while. Usually when I face a programming language book, I skip the beginner chapters (if I already know the language, of course) and go directly for the juicy ones, but with this one I tried to follow it from end to end because I read some comments on twitter telling that the way basics are explained, become a really solid base for the language, so I gave it a chance.

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In the previous post I gave a glimpse of the Javascript Promises Pattern (JPP). Now we are going to take a more in deep look into it and implement our (simplified) version of this pattern. First of all, let’s sow the code I we defined works: we had three operations (to make the example simpler, they all share the same code, but this is not a requisite), each of them expecting a set of arguments which are processed by an asynchronous operation.

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I am sure you have heard about the javascript Promises Pattern, but if you haven’t, here is a quick and simple definition: a promise or future is an object that represents a future result, not yet obtained or calculated (here you have a more complete definition). In fact, what is really nice about it is that allows you to define callbacks for async code in and more elegant and readable way.

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Recently I began a collaboration with amCharts, writing some tutorials for their blog. This is my first contribution, and you can find the original post in amCharts blog. I hope you’ll enjoy my first tutorial about this great graphs library! And, of course, feedback is wellcomed! In this tutorial we will enhance our previous example in order to parse dates. This will allow us to obtain date-based graphs displaying their data points using relative distance to each other and not placing them at regular spaces.

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Daniel Pecos Martínez

Developer. Blogger. HAM Radio operator.

I write about technology, software, radio and some other interests, like Linux, Dungeons and Dragons or electronics.

Software Architect / Consultant at

Fullstack Developer
