It’s been a while (well, years) since I rotated my GPG keys, and to be honest, now that I know better how to handle a GPG key pair in order to avoid master key rotation, I think it’s the time to get a new pair. This tutorial will show you the steps I followed with explanations on what we are achieving in every step. Environment This is the GnuPG version used in this tutorial (if you are using a different version, probably not every command would work the same, but I wouldn’t expect for the concept to change that much):

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In the previous post we explained from a theoretical point of view how a block chain works. In this post we will get down to work and will implement a working blockchain in Go. If you haven’t read it yet, we recommend you to do it now before continuing. It’ll provide you the basic concepts needed to understand the examples below. (You can find the complete example in this Github repository: https://github.

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Blockchain is one of those buzzwords everyone is listening nowadays, but what it really is? In this series of posts we will dig one general concepts about BlockChain and a little bit of its relation with BitCoin, as well as we will develop a simple blockchain in Go. To put it simple, and as its name states, it’s just a chain of blocks. The interesting detail is that is a cryptographic chain providing some characteristics that make them really useful:

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There has been a lot of noise around Monero and Coinhive lately, or web mining in general, and don’t quite agree with most of what I’m hearing. It all started with The Pirate Bay adding a web mining script to their site, so whenever you’d visit them, your CPU would be used to mine some Monero for them. That was made without any notice to the user, just “stealing” their power.

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In this tutorial I’ll show how to piece together the required NPM modules to build a REST API in Node.js with proper Swagger documentation. We’re going to use Express as the HTTP framework, and the Swagger documentation will be written as inline comments within the code, as close as possible to the handling endpoint or models that will implement the contract, so it will be harder for them to eventually diverge.

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Recently I took the decision of leaving my long beloved distro – Ubuntu (sorry, link in spanish) and moving forward into Arch Linux. And why? As JFK said when the USA was aiming to land on the moon, “not because it’s easy, but because it’s hard”, maybe not that much compared to getting to the moon, but definitely more tedious than Ubuntu. One thing you can take for sure if you take the chance to install Arch: no matter if you success or give up with it, you will learn something new about how a Linux distro works.

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En El Héroe de las Eras, tercera y última entrega de la saga Nacidos de la Bruma – Mistborn, Brandon Sanderson nos presenta el colofón a esta épica historia de aventuras y magia – alomancia, en la que los protagonistas viajan a través del mundo en busca de las pistas que Lord Legislador les dejó para combatir el mal que les avecina: Ruina. La Banda de Kelsier, encabezada por Vin y Lord Elend, tratarán de aunar las distintas ciudades del mundo en una lucha común contra las brumas, aunque no será una tarea fácil.

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El Pozo de la Ascensión es la segunda parte de la saga de Nacidos de la Bruma (Mistborn) de Brandon Sanderson, en la que ha demostrado que posee la creatividad suficiente para dar vida a una historia de gran envergadura, y lo mejor, conservando la esencia de la entrega anterior, añadiendo unos toques que proporcionan un aire de frescura y misterio a la franquicia. Esta entrega se inicia con los problemas que nuestros protagonistas enfrentan tras conseguir su objetivo: la muerte de su enemigo, Lord Legislador, pero a un alto precio, el sacrificio de su líder Kelsier.

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Si lo que deseas es una trama absorbente, con una gran cantidad de misterio, situaciones fantásticas y personajes entrañables, El Imperio Final, primer libro de la saga Nacidos de la Bruma – Mistborn de Brandon Sanderson es estás buscando. Sin duda alguna es una historia que demuestra que aún es posible encontrar libros con un buen contenido literario y un tono oscuro, tan difícil de encontrar en la literatura fantástica desde hace mucho tiempo.

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La ciudad de los dioses ya no es un lugar con seres de grandes poderes y magia, es ahora un lugar en ruinas llena de no muertos que sufren incansablemente por un hambre sobrehumana, dolores que nunca sanan y un corazón que no late. Elantris de Brandon Sanderson es la ciudad donde una misteriosa desgracia cambió todo, sus habitantes se transformaron y después de ser unas maravillas, son ahora seres malditos.

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Daniel Pecos Martínez

Developer. Blogger. HAM Radio operator.

I write about technology, software, radio and some other interests, like Linux, Dungeons and Dragons or electronics.

Software Architect / Consultant at

Fullstack Developer
